Gros Ventre Ridge, WY
“This is perhaps the most sublime of all the projects because of the singularity of the simple mark on the land....” - Peter Waldman, AIA
Located along the top of Gros Ventre Ridge, was selected for its breathtaking panoramic view. This modest one-level structure serves as a primary residence. Each room overlooks the Grand Teton mountain range and the adjacent valleys. The main roofline follows the natural slope of the land, extending outward, offering protection from the harsh western sun and driving snow. The entire structure is kept relatively close to the ground with the garage is built into the hillside, and the house covered with a green roof to allow the natural sage, grasses, and wildflowers to take back the site over time. Nested into the top ridge, this home is extended to embrace nature.

Paper City Design Award, Best Residential Architecture under 3500 sf, 2017
Design Boom: Ridgeline, 2018
LUXE, Natural Connection, Nov/Dec 2015
Custom Builder Magazine: Challenging Sites, Spring 2017
Texas Architect: Land Lover, May 2016
2 Houses, 2017
The American House: 100 Contemporary Homes, 2018
Western Art & Architecture: A Natural Fit, Dec 2017 / Jan 2018
Welch Architecture
Dror Baldingen, AIA